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Monday, September 9, 2013

30 Days of Lists, Day 9

Today Janell came home from Boston.  I was actually still in bed when she landed in Houston.  (Don't tell anyone! lol!)  She brought home lunch from our favorite Chinese/Vietnamese restaurant!  My Basil Chicken was delicious!  :)  We've spent the whole day talking Wedding!  She got to surprise Tanner at school pickup!  He did not know she was coming today.  She has a career fair at  Texas A&M  tomorrow.  She doesn't leave until Wednesday.  She'll be back tomorrow night and maybe we can get some more wedding talking going on!

Today's list title is:

Weird Stuff that Makes me Cry

1. When strangers do incredible things to help other strangers..
2. Laughing too hard!
3. Pregnancy

Unfortunately, I am kind of a hard ass and do not cry very much. Random Acts of Kindness that strangers bestow on other strangers is definitely the weird thing that makes me cry. I practically cried non-stop the two times I was pregnant!  Good thing that is not possible anymore!!!!

Wonder what tomorrow's email will bring?  I hope it is a little easier than this one was!!!


  1. Love #1 ... I just pour over those ridiculous BuzzFeed roundups of "things that will restore your faith in humanity" :)

    1. Hi Amy!

      Thank you so much for the comment. Watching the evening news, or driving in freeway traffic can punish the soul, but every now and then a gem of a human being comes along that makes it feel okay to keep trudging along, and makes you feel no so alone! :)
